terça-feira, 20 de junho de 2017

Seminário 21/06/2017

Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Reinaldo Furlan (Professor Associado de Filosofia no Departamento de Psicologia - FFCLRP/USP)

"Vida e Cultura em Ambiente Tecnológico"

Anfitrião Acadêmico:  Equipe do Café com Ciência

Local: Anfiteatro André Jacquemin
Início: 16:15 hs

terça-feira, 13 de junho de 2017

Seminário 14/06/2017

Palestrante: Dra. Ludmila Mickeliunas Pansarin - PNPD-Biologia Comparada FFCLRP-USP

A importância das orquídeas: aspectos naturais e econômicos

Anfitrião acadêmico: PPG em Biologia Comparada.
Anfitrião social: Profa. Simone de Pádua Teixeira.

Local: Anfiteatro André Jacquemin
Início: 16:15 hs

segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2017

Seminário 07/06/2017

Profa. Dra. Karen Crow
San Francisco State University, California, EUA
There may be more to the Hox Code than you thought. The “Distal Phase” HoxA/D expression pattern is an ancient module that is deployed in a variety of novel features.

Anfitrião Acadêmico e Social: Laboratório de Evolução e Biologia Integrativa (LEBI) - Profa. Dra. Tiana Kohlsforf

Fins and limbs are homologous structures patterned by a shared genetic repertoire of HoxA/D expression, or “the Hox limb building toolkit”. A unique inversion of the HoxD expression pattern is associated with the most well characterized example of a novel fin/limb modification to date-the tetrapod autopod, where an inverted collinear HoxD expression pattern specifies digit identity and the origin of the thumb. This pattern also occurs in paddlefish pectoral fins and catshark paired fins, indicating that it arose in the common ancestor of jawed vertebrates. This pattern is called ‘distal phase’ (DP) expression because it occurs in distal structures and is regulated independently. We argue that it may be deployed in a modular fashion, suggesting a greater role in the evolution of morphological diversity in vertebrates than previously recognized. We demonstrated the first evidence for HoxD DP expression in a body plan feature beyond fins and limbs- the paddlefish barbel, and the first evidence for HoxA DP expression in the developing hindgut and vent of ray-finned fishes, suggesting that the limb-building program may have an expanded repertoire. Interestingly, HoxA DP expression is predicted by similar conformational properties between the HoxA/D cis-regulatory landscapes in zebrafish and mice, but has not been reported in vertebrate paired appendages. However, we found evidence suggesting that HoxA DP expression occurs in claspers of male cartilaginous fishes. Taken together, these data support the modularity of DP Hox expression pattern, and a greater role for the Hox code in evolution of novel body plan features.

Local: Anfiteatro André Jacquemin
Início: 16:15 hs